Drug Rehab Treatment Programs : Wellness Resource Center

Wellness Resource Center, Incorporated is located at 7940 North Federal Highway Boca Raton, Florida 33487. Wellness Resources Center believes that recovery requires an individualized, integrated approach striving for wellness in all areas including the physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual aspects of personhood.

Wellness Resource Center provides affordable treatment for individuals ($11,000 per month) suffering from dual diagnosis of psychiatric illness and chemical dependency in an extended care model.

Their goal is to educate, support and assist all individuals involved in striving towards independence, self-fulfillment and a sense of hope and happiness in their lives.

Wellness Resource Center provides an integrated model, in which the client is treated with clinical services that include not only traditional therapies, but expressive and holistic therapies as well. The program addresses psychiatric issues, psychological issues and chemical dependency in a method that intrinsically links the relationship between the illnesses and the effect that one has on the other. Relapse in one condition will ultimately result in the relapse of the other condition. It is essential that the client appreciate the dynamic interaction of the diagnoses in order to understand the need to maintain health in all areas to ensure continued stability and recovery.

Family treatment is aimed at helping family members understand how they have affected and been affected by the clients illness and what they can do to improve their emotional health and the health of the family system. They are offered the opportunity to express their feelings, work through their own denial and accept the futility of trying to "fix" the client. They are also given recommendations for getting involved in a recovery program of their own, utilizing self-help groups and professional therapy.

The "Twelve Steps" are used to treat addictions and are also applicable as cognitive/behavioral tools used to address many psychiatric issues and personality defenses.

Clients with co-existing disorders must gain insight into the nature of their conditions and the signs and symptoms of the same. They must be taught strategies that reduce symptoms, while simultaneously developing coping mechanisms for healthy fulfilling lives.

Treatment Services includes Alcohol Abuse, Alcohol Addiction, Drug Abuse, Drug Addiction, Dual Diagnosis and Substance Abuse.

For drug rehab admissions information call 866-762-3712 now, toll free or you may visit their site by clicking here.

Drug Rehab Treatment Program Information
Night Admission Available: NO
Weekend Admission Available: NO
Interview Required: YES


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